It is not too late! we have vaccines still available.

Are you 65 and over or turning 65 before the 31/03/2020 and wanting your Free, Annual Flu Vaccination?

Please phone the surgery on 01778 393399 to arrange an appointment time.

Are you Under the age of 65 and eligible for a flu vaccination??

Please phone the surgery on 01778 393399 to arrange a time for your free, annual flu vaccination.

Carers are also eligible for the free flu vaccination (as the welfare of the person they care for may be at risk if the carer falls ill). If you have a carer who is registered at this practice, please let them know we can give them the vaccine free of charge as well.

If you decide not to have the vaccination please let us know so we can enter this onto your medical records.

Thank you we look forward to seeing you soon.

Published: Aug 21, 2019