Patient Matter

Spring Issue

We’re taking part in the Accelerate Programme 

A team of our clinical, management and reception staff are taking part in an NHS Primary Care programme designed to deliver rapid improvements in priority areas.  

The Accelerated Access Improvement Programme comprises weekly facilitated sessions, to identify and address issues. GP practices that have already taken part said it has led to a better patient journey and reduced waiting times. Practice Manager, Tracey Mason, said: ‘Along with GP practices nationally we are experiencing really high levels of demand, as our workload figures show. We need to make sure that we are doing as much as we can with the time and resources available and so this programme allows our team to see where changes can be made to help us make gains where we can. We are working with an experienced facilitator who makes suggestions and gives feedback on progress so far.'  


Here's a snapshot of our monthly workload: 

  • 10,171 total appointments  
  • 4,110 telephone calls handled  
  • 786 Doctrin consultations delivered  
  • + clinics + home visits + immunisations + care homes + extended access  

Also 89 patients did not attend their scheduled appointment so please let us know if you need to cancel!  

Figures apply to period 23/1 to 19/2/23  



If you haven't tried Doctrin, our online consultation platform yet then here's a few great reasons to ...  

It allows patients to seek advice for:  

  • Non urgent medical conditions  
  • Medicine/prescription queries  
  • Healthcare and self care advice  



  • Easy to use  
  • Detailed questionnaires  
  • Saves waiting in a telephone queue  
  • Can be easily accessed from mobile devices  
  • Open during surgery hours  
  • Triage to most appropriate team member  
  • Very popular with patients  
  • Attracts great feedback ratings.  

Since we launched the platform our team has delivered nearly 8,0000 Doctrin consultations. Here’s how users rate it:  

  • 98.8% were met with compassion  
  • 95.9% would recommend the platform  
  • 92.5% received sufficient information  

To find out more about Doctrin visit:  


Kate Noble

Dr Kate Noble joins our team  

We were delighted to welcome Dr Kate Noble to our team at Hereward.

She is a hugely experienced doctor having worked at our sister practice in Stamford for three decades.  


Patient Access Survey



GP gears up for London Marathon

GP Grace Dolan’s persistence in applying for a place in the London Marathon finally paid off after 15 years! 

After being a virtual non-runner 12 months ago she is now training hard and raising funds for a breast cancer charity. Dr Dolan, who works at Lakeside’s Hereward Surgery, said: ‘I have run a few half marathons before having children but found it hard to get back into running afterwards and this time last year was doing Couch to 5k! I always wanted to run the London Marathon and applied for years before being successful. ‘Breast Cancer Now is a brilliant charity that funds research and supports those battling the disease. My incredible mother-in-law passed away from it and several other family members and friends have also suffered from this disease, which will affect 1 in 7 women in the UK.  

‘The training is tough but it will be worth it to finally take part in such an iconic race after years of trying, and to raise funds for such a great charity which is so close to my heart.’  


Grace Dolan

Keep in touch!  

If you change your mobile phone number please don’t forget to tell us your new one. Thank you!  

GCM: INDEX - News and Newsletters