PPG Minutes 28th Feb 2022

  • Present: Roberta Roulstone (Chair), Sue Armstrong, Tracey Mason (Practice Manager) Dr L Taylor, Denika Wilmot (Assistant Practice Manager) Dr Pears, Dr Cole, Dr Wheatley
  • Apologies: Andy Cowie, Monica Sage, Katya Petrova


Practice Update

Tracey confirmed that there were 4 vacancies:

  • Health Care Assistant
  • Salaried GP
  • Practice Nurse
  • Dispenser

It has been very difficult for the Practice Nurses, due to illness, Covid etc. They have worked very hard to keep everything on track.

Dr Wheatley explained that there had been a CQC review conducted via Zoom. Pleased to say that we passed and retained our status. This was due to the very hard work by all the staff. Hopefully, this will negate the need for a visit.

Dr Wheatley went on to explain the launch of “Doctrin” which will replace e-consult. This will enable patients to complete a form, via Text, which, will be directed to the most appropriate clinician. Who will then have a conversation with the patient, via Text, to decide the next steps to take. This has been a success in Sweden and patient feedback from other practices within Lakeside has been very positive with a 90% approval rating.

Dr Pears explained that the surgery has employed the following staff:

  • 2 x First Contact Practitioners in Physiotherapy
  • 1 x First Contact Pharmacist

The new members of staff will be able to treat and deal directly with patients to allow the GPs to concentrate in other areas more effectively.

Dr Cole explained the Primary Care Network (PCN) which has been set up nationwide. Funds will go directly to the PCN who can do things slightly differently. We will work collaboratively with Stamford and the PCN.

Dr Pears has suggested that weekend working maybe coming back. He anticipates that a few treatments/examinations could take place on a Saturday, such as, Smear Testing conducted by the nursing staff.


Engagement Meeting covering Lincolnshire

Roberta explained briefly the model which will be adopted.

She questioned how we balance the core range together with the PCN?

Dr Cole explained Social Prescribing – this does not work well in South Lincolnshire as we are on the border. It is all about engagement and sits within the Mental Health Transformation. We would like to take this in-house.

Who is a Social Prescriber?

there are training course to become one, but anyone can become one. Dr Cole explained that at the moment a patient is referred, and they are seen but does the Social Prescriber know the patient's medical history? The surgery would prefer to have their own Social Prescriber who would be able to coordinate with the PCN team. Dr Cole believes this would work well.

Roberta stated that the Engagement meeting then spoke about Integrated Social Care. There are 3 areas:

  • Health Professionals
  • Police
  • Social Workers

Dr Cole also suggested that this team would also welcome representatives from the PPG.

Roberta attended an Access Seminar – GP perfect storm

  • Shortage of GP’s – 45,000 GPs but 52000 GPs are needed
  • GPs struggle with Space, public perception, IT, remote consultation, patient expectations, regulation – CQC, and negative media coverage
  • The reality is that about 50% of patients have access to their GP each month
  •  83% of people questioned nationally said that they had a good experience of their GP practice



Role of Hereward Practice PPG

We have received 3 resignations, Jeanie Payne, Robert Rose and Kath Dolby. We would like to thank them for their contribution to the PPG. This has highlighted the need to recruit more to the team. Dr Pears suggested that perhaps we could contact the local schools for any six formers who have an interest in medicine. It could help their CV’s.

Also put an item in the Bourne Local publication.



  • The Annual survey is well underway
  • Revamp the Notice Board
  • Ask if the local Council can help with funding
  • Meeting closed at 7.30pm


Date of the next meeting

To be confirmed